東北地理所王宗明研究團隊近年來(lái)在濕地遙感研究領(lǐng)域取得一系列進(jìn)展,主要包括:(1)研發(fā)了高精度國家尺度濕地分布數據集CAS_Wetlands、紅樹(shù)林動(dòng)態(tài)數據集CAS_Mangroves、互花米草入侵數據集CAS S. alterniflora、濱海養殖池擴張數據集CAS_Coastal Aquaculture;(2)基于遙感大數據,解析了我國濕地面臨的主要威脅,闡明了我國濕地損失與恢復的時(shí)空特征;(3)構建濕地水禽棲息地適宜性評價(jià)模型、濕地恢復空間決策支持模型,建立濕地保護工程成效遙感評估指標體系和評估方法。相關(guān)研究成果發(fā)表于ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing、Science of the Total Environment、Journal of Cleaner Production、International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation、Land Degradation and Development、Remote Sensing、Sensors、Biogeosciences、Journal of Environmental Management、Ecological Engineering等國際重要期刊,并被新華網(wǎng)、中國日報、央視網(wǎng)、中國科學(xué)報、科學(xué)網(wǎng)、新浪網(wǎng)、網(wǎng)易、搜狐網(wǎng)等媒體廣泛報道。這些研究由東北地理所王宗明、毛德華、賈明明、任春穎、宋開(kāi)山、姜明,東北地理所海外特聘研究員美國印第安納大學(xué)李林、美國羅德島大學(xué)王野喬、美國亞利桑那州立大學(xué)鄔建國,中科院空天信息研究院吳炳方、曾源,中國科學(xué)院國家天文臺張淵智,武漢大學(xué)王超等共同完成。
中國沼澤濕地空間分布(2015年) 中國紅樹(shù)林空間分布(2015年)
國互花米草空間分布(2015年) 中國濱海養殖池空間分布(2015年)
[1] Mao, D.H., Wang, Z.M., Du, B.J., Li, L., Tian, Y.L., Zeng, Y., Song, K.S., Jiang, M., Wang, Y.Q. 2020. National wetland mapping in China: A new product resulting from object based and hierarchical classification of Landsat 8 OLI images. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 164: 11-25.
[2] Mao, D.H., Wang, Z.M., Wu, J.G., Wu, B.F., Zeng, Y., Song, K.S., Yi, K.P., Luo, L. 2018. China's wetlands loss to urban expansion. Land Degradation and Development, 29: 2644-2657.
[3] Mao, D.H., Luo, L., Wang, Z.M., Wilson, M.C., Zeng, Y., Wu, B.F., Wu, J.G. 2018. Conversions between natural wetlands and farmland in China: A multiscale geospatial analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 634: 550-560.
[4] Mao, D.H., Liu, M.Y., Wang, Z.M., Li, L., Man, W.D., Jia, M.M., Zhang, Y.Z. 2019. Rapid Invasion of Spartina alterni?ora in the Coastal Zone of Mainland China: Spatiotemporal Patterns and Human Prevention. Sensors, 19: 2308.
[5] Jia, M.M., Wang, Z.M., Wang, C., Mao, D.H., Zhang. Y.Z. 2019. A new vegetation index to detect periodically submerged mangrove forest using single-tide Sentinel-2 imagery. Remote Sensing, 11: 2043.
[6] Jia, M.M., Wang, Z.M., Zhang, Y.Z., Mao, D.H., Wang, C. 2018. Monitoring loss and recovery of mangrove forests during 42 years: The achievements of mangrove conservation in China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 73: 535-545.
[7] Jia, M.M., Wang, Z.M., Li, L., Song, K.S., Ren, C.Y., Liu, B., Mao, D.H. 2014. Mapping China’s mangroves based on an object-oriented classification of Landsat imagery. Wetlands, 34: 277-283.
[8] Liu, M.Y., Mao, D.H, Wang, Z.M. 2018. Rapid invasion of Spartina alterniflora in the coastal zone of mainland China: New observations from Landsat OLI images. Remote Sensing, 10 (12): 1933.
[9] Ren, C.Y., Wang, Z.M., Zhang, Y.Z., Zhang, B., Chen, L., Xi, Y.B. 2019. Rapid expansion of coastal aquaculture ponds in China from Landsat observations during 1984–2016. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 82: 101902.